on the world biggest all-year show of a model railway. Delve into the fascinating world of a large and a small rail and surprised you about the lovely layout model railway, the is presented on round 12.000 square metre. In its size and uniqueness surprise them with grandiose landscape paintings, original large-scale station models, well-known cities and imposing landmarks of different countries. Because of the many attractive extras - regional exhibitions offers, gems and jewelry, demonstrations of handicraft arts, changing art exhibitions and much more - not only the model railway fans have pleasure.

So: Come by Wiehe! Because there you can get an experience!
We look forward to hearing from you!

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im Herzen Europas

Am Anger 19
06571 Roßleben-Wiehe

Montag - Sonntag
10:00 - 17:00 Uhr

BarrierefreiheitMontag - Sonntag
(auch an Feiertagen)
letzter Einlass 16:00 Uhr