H0-installation "Travel with the Orient Express" since January 2001


The first time in hisory of the sophisticated model railway, the London-Instanbul rail and thus the journey of the most famous of all the trains, the Orient Express, is reconstructed! As a very interesting projext, a connecting line between the existing installation of Thuringia and the installation "A Travel with the Orient Express" is in the foreground. This allows the long distance from Thuringia on the H0-longest railway bridge in the world with approximately 40.0m roll.

Conversely, the Orient Express as the most famous train of all time, form London, take a trip to Thuringia before he rolls over southern Germany, Austria and Hungary to Istanbul. The two installations grow to a huge trans-European layout together, which occupies 770.50 square meters.

Die Entstehung

The tunnel from Dover to Calais and the surrounding of Munich is created.
At the same time was begun to relocate the paths and the bedding of the routes.
The track material and the bedding is H0-DC Office Tillig.
Her is the side rail in the Carpathians, the BW in Frankfurt was recorded and the hub has been built.
After all lines have been relocated, we have started with the wiring: 10000m cable, 260 relays and 320 Ried contacts have been built. After the first test problems have been eliminated.
It was flat out on the landscape work, the outline of the plant back from plasterboard. The substructure of the mountains is a simple wire mesh, it was spray polyurethane foam on and the other day the incorporated form of the mountains.
The we put together the trainsuite and the transformers were adjusted. The trial operation is running better than we thought. Our simple circuit has proven once again.


Am Anger 19
06571 Roßleben-Wiehe

Montag - Sonntag
10:00 - 17:00 Uhr

BarrierefreiheitMontag - Sonntag
(auch an Feiertagen)
letzter Einlass 16:00 Uhr